First Party Data - Prebid.js

Prebid allows publishers to supply attributes related to their content and users, and to apply permissions so only certain bidders are allowed to access those attributes.

These conventions aren’t implemented by all adapters. Please check with each of your bidders to make sure they’re reading first party data from the standard Prebid locations.

This document covers the method of specifying First Party Data as of Prebid.js 4.30, which we recommend all publishers use. In previous versions of Prebid.js, the interface was to set fpd values. We now use the more generic ortb2 interface, which can be used for more than just First Party Data.

How It Works

Publishers supply First Party Data (FPD) by specifying attributes as configuration or on a Prebid.js AdUnit:

  • Global site or user data that applies to all AdUnits, bidders, and auctions. Use setConfig()
  • Auction-specific site or user data that applies to all AdUnits and bidders in that auction. Use the ortb2 parameter of requestBids()
  • AdUnit-specific data that applies to all bidders and auctions. Define AdUnit.ortb2Imp
  • Bidder-specific site or user data that applies to all AdUnits and auctions. Use setBidderConfig()

In-Page Examples

The Prebid First Party Data JSON structure reflects the OpenRTB standard.

  • Arbitrary attributes should go in or
  • Fields that are meant to be standard OpenRTB 2.5 should be in or ortb2.user. Specfically, the standard values for ‘site’ are: name, domain, cat, sectioncat, pagecat, page, ref, search, keywords. For ‘user’ these are: yob, gender, keywords.
  • Segment taxonomy values go in or using the IAB standard representation.

Automatically collected first party data

If not specified through any of the methods above, Prebid.js attempts to automatically fill a number of fields:

Field Value Notes Site URL, from pageUrl falling back to location.href pageUrl config
site.ref document.referrer  
site.domain Domain portion of  
site.keywords Contents of <meta name="keywords">, if such a tag is present on the page  
site.publisher.domain Second level domain portion of site.domain The second-level domain portion of is
device.w Width of the screen in pixels  
device.h Height of the screen in pixels  
device.dnt Do Not Track setting Navigator.doNotTrack
device.language User’s language Navigator.language User agent Navigator.userAgent
device.sua User agent client hints uaHints config
device.ext.vpw Viewport width in pixels  
device.ext.vph Viewport height in pixels  
device.ext.webdriver true if the browser declares to be an automation tool Navigator.webdriver
device.ext.cdep Google Chrome cookie deprecation label Chrome-facilitated testing
regs.coppa COPPA Regulation flag COPPA config
regs.ext.gpc Global Privacy Control setting Navigator.globalPrivacyControl

Publisher-provided first party data always takes precedence for all fields; you can also set null to disable them. For example, the following discards the automatically collected device.keywords:

    ortb2: {
        device: {
            keywords: null

User Agent client hints

device.sua is populated with UA client hints retrieved from navigator.userAgentData. You can specify the list of hints using the uaHints option with any available high entropy hint:

    firstPartyData: {
        uaHints: [
            // ...

If uaHints is set to an empty array or is not set, only low-entropy hints are used.

Supplying Global Data

Here’s how a publisher can let all bid adapters have access to first party data that might be useful in ad targeting that’s good in PBJS 4.30 and later:

    ortb2: {
        // this is where the contextual data is placed
        site: {
            name: "example",
            domain: "",

            // OpenRTB 2.5 spec / Content Taxonomy
            cat: ["IAB2"],
            sectioncat: ["IAB2-2"],
            pagecat: ["IAB2-2"],

            page: "",
            ref: "",
            keywords: "power tools, drills",
            search: "drill",

            content: {
                userrating: "4",
                data: [{
                    name: "", // who resolved the segments
                    ext: {
                        segtax: 7, // taxonomy used to encode the segments
                        cids: ["iris_c73g5jq96mwso4d8"]
                    // the bare minimum are the IDs. These IDs are the ones from the new IAB Content Taxonomy v3
                    segment: [{ id: "687" }, { id: "123" } ]
            ext: {
                data: { // fields that aren't part of openrtb 2.6
                    pageType: "article",
                    category: "repair"

        // this is where the user data is placed
        user: {
            keywords: "a,b",
            data: [{
                name: "",
                ext: {
                    segtax: 4
                segment: [{
                    id: "1"
            ext: {
                data: {
                    registered: true,
                    interests: ["cars"]
        regs: {
            gpp: "abc1234",
            gpp_sid: [7],
            ext: {
                dsa: {
                    dsarequired: 3,
                    pubrender: 0,
                    datatopub: 2,
                    transparency: [
                            domain: '',
                            dsaparams: [1]
                            domain: '',
                            dsaparams: [1, 2]

Note that supplying first party user data may require special consent in certain regions. By default, Prebid’s tcfControl module does not police the passing of user data, but can optionally do so if the personalizedAds rule is enabled.

If you’re using PBJS version 4.29 or before, replace the following in the example above: ‘ortb’ with ‘fpd’, ‘site’ with ‘context’ and ‘’ with ‘’.

Supplying Auction-Specific Data

In some situations the same page may wish to supply different site data for some of its sections, for example in infinite scroll or instream video scenarios where multiple pieces of content that would benefit from different contexts are served together.

To support this use case, Prebid version 7 and above accepts auction-specific first-party data as a parameter to requestBids. For example:

    ortb2: {
        site: {
            content: {
                data: [{
                    name: '',
                    ext: {
                        segtax: 500,
                        cids: ['iris_c73g5jq96mwso4d8']
                    segment: [
                        {id: '687'},
                        {id: '123'}

Supplying AdUnit-Specific Data

If an attribute is specific to an AdUnit, it can be passed this way:

    code: "test-div",
    mediaTypes: {
        banner: {
            sizes: [[300,250]]
    ortb2Imp: {
        ext: {
            data: {
                pbadslot: "homepage-top-rect",
                adUnitSpecificAttribute: "123"

Another case is declaring rewarded. Here is how one might do that:

    code: "test-div-rewarded",
    mediaTypes: {
        banner: {
            sizes: [[300,250]]
    ortb2Imp: {
        rwdd: 1,
        ext: {
            data: {
                pbadslot: "my-rewarded-rectangle",
                adUnitSpecificAttribute: "123"

You may also specify adUnit-specific transaction IDs using ortb2Imp.ext.tid, and Prebid will use them instead of generating random new ones. This is useful if you are auctioning the same slots through multiple header bidding libraries. Note: you must take care to not re-use the same transaction IDs across different ad units or auctions. Here’s a simplified example passing a tid through the requestBids function:

const tid = crypto.randomUUID();
   adUnits: [{
    code: 'test-div',
    // ...
    ortb2Imp: {
        ext: {
          tid: tid
// reuse `tid` when auctioning `test-div` through some other header bidding wrapper   

Prebid does not support AdUnit-specific user data, nor does it support bidder-specific AdUnit First Party Data. You could implement either of these scenarios with a publisher-specific callback on the requestBids event

If you’re using PBJS version 4.29 or before, replace the following in the example above: ‘’ with ‘’.

Supplying Bidder-Specific Data

Use the setBidderConfig() function to supply bidder-specific data. In this example, only bidderA and bidderB will get access to the supplied global data.

   bidders: ['bidderA', 'bidderB'],
   config: {
       ortb2: {
           site: {
               ext: {
                   data: {
                      pageType: "article",
                      category: "tools"
            user: {
               ext: {
                   data: {
                      registered: true,
                      interests: ["cars"]

pbjs.setBidderConfig({ // different bidders can receive different data
   bidders: ['bidderC'],
   config: {
     ortb2: { ... }

Supplying App or DOOH ORTB Objects

Occasionally, an app which embeds a webview might run Prebid.js. In this case, the app object is often specified for OpenRTB, and the site object would be invalid. When this happens, one should specify in place of We can also imagine scenarios where billboards or similar displays are running Prebid.js. In the case of a DOOH object existing, both the site object and the app object are considered invalid.

  ortb2: {
    app: {
      name: "myappname",
      keywords: "power tools, drills",
      content: {
        data: [
            name: "",
            ext: {
              segtax: 6
            segment: [
                id: "687"
                id: "123"
            name: "",
            ext: {
              segtax: 7
            segment: [
                id: "456"
                id: "789"

Supplying OpenRTB Content Data

OpenRTB content object describes specific (mostly audio/video) content information, and it is useful for targeting. For website ad, the content object should be defined in, for non-browser ad, it should be defined in

    ortb2: {
        site: {
            content: {
                id: "some_id",
                episode: "1",
                title: "some title",
                series: "some series",
                season: "s1",
                artist: "John Doe",
                genre: "some genre",
                isrc: "CC-XXX-YY-NNNNN",
                url: "",
                cat: ["IAB1-1", "IAB1-2", "IAB2-10"],
                context: "7",
                keywords: "k1,k2",
                live: "0"

Segments and Taxonomy

The IAB offers standard content and audience taxonomies for categorizing sites and users. Prebid supports defining these values as first party data in or as shown in examples above and below.

user: {
    data: [{
        name: "", // who resolved the segments
        ext: { segtax: 4 },       // taxonomy used to encode the segments
            segment: [
                { id: "1" }

The new extension is segtax, which identifies the specific taxonomy used to determine the provided segments. This model supports using taxonomies other than IAB taxonomies, but all taxonomies must be registered with the IAB to be assigned a number. Once the IAB finalizes the process, we’ll place a link here to their page. For now, here’s the beta table defining the segtax values:

Segtax ID Taxonomy Type Version Description
1 Content 1.0 IAB - Content Taxonomy version 1 - deprecated
2 Content 2.0 IAB - Content Taxonomy version 2) - deprecated
4 Audience 1.1 IAB - Audience Taxonomy version 1.1
5 Content 2.1 IAB - Content Taxonomy version 2.1
6 Content 2.2 IAB - Content Taxonomy version 2.2
7 Content 3.0 IAB - Content Taxonomy version 3.0

The IAB version of this table is associated with ADCOM. Publishers should check with their SSPs and DSPs to confirm which segment taxonomies they support.

How Bid Adapters Should Read First Party Data

Prebid.js bid adapters are supplied global data in the ortb2 property of bid requests:

buildRequests: function(validBidRequests, bidderRequest) {
   const firstPartyData = bidderRequest.ortb2;

AdUnit-specific values must be parsed out of the AdUnit object.

The assumption is that bid adapters will copy the values to the appropriate protocol location for their endpoint.

See Prebid Server First Party Data for a discussion of this feature for Prebid Server bid adapters.