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Media Consortium


Bidder Code mediaConsortium Member no
Prebid.js Adapter yes Prebid Server Adapter no
Media Types display, video Multi Format Support will-bid-on-any
TCF-EU Support no IAB GVL ID check with bidder
GPP Support check with bidder DSA Support check with bidder
USP/CCPA Support check with bidder COPPA Support check with bidder
Supply Chain Support check with bidder Demand Chain Support check with bidder
Safeframes OK check with bidder Supports Deals check with bidder
Floors Module Support check with bidder First Party Data Support check with bidder
User IDs none ORTB Blocking Support check with bidder
Privacy Sandbox check with bidder

MediaConsortium doesn’t require inventory parameters - we’ll match your inventory using a combination of ad unit code and domain.

Prebid JS configuration

To get access to the full feature set of the adapter you’ll need to allow localstorage usage in the bidderSettings.

    pbjs.bidderSettings = {
        mediaConsortium: {
            storageAllowed: true

MediaConsortium uses the 1plusX user id (fpid) and profile API to retrieve audience and site specific segments. You can manage 1plusX usage with the settings outlined below.

Managing 1plusX profile API usage and fpid retrieval

You can use the setBidderConfig function to enable or disable 1plusX profile API usage and fpid retrieval.

If the keys found below are not defined, their values will default to false.

        bidders: ['mediaConsortium'],
        config: {
            // Controls the 1plusX profile API usage
            useProfileApi: true,
            // Controls the 1plusX fpid retrieval
            readOnePlusXId: true

Required pbjs ad unit video parameters

Name Scope Description Example Type
playerSize required Array of sizes accepted by the player [[300, 250]] [number, number][]
context required Video context, must always be outstream outstream string
Example ad unit
    const adUnits = [
            code: 'div-prebid-video',
                video: {
                    playerSize: [[300, 250]],
                    context: 'outstream'
                    bidder: 'mediaConsortium',
                    params: {}

"Send All Bids" Ad Server Keys

These are the bidder-specific keys that would be targeted within GAM in a Send-All-Bids scenario. GAM truncates keys to 20 characters.
hb_pb_mediaConsortiu hb_bidder_mediaConso hb_adid_mediaConsort
hb_size_mediaConsort hb_source_mediaConso hb_format_mediaConso
hb_cache_host_mediaC hb_cache_id_mediaCon hb_uuid_mediaConsort
hb_cache_path_mediaC hb_deal_mediaConsort

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